
定义与期望:学术诚信是对学术活动的公开追求, 诚实负责的态度. 学术诚信是澳门威尼斯人官网所有学术活动的基本指导原则, 大学社会的所有成员都应按照这一原则行事. 与这个期望一致, 大学的行为准则规定,所有学生都应该以个人诚信行事, 尊重其他学生的尊严, rights and property, 并帮助创造和维持一种环境,使所有人都能通过自己的努力取得成功.

学术诚信包括承诺不从事或容忍伪造行为, 虚假陈述或欺骗. 这种不诚实行为违反了大学社区的基本道德原则,并损害了他人完成工作的价值.



Using a crib sheet; preprogramming a calculator; using books or notes during a closed book exam, etc.

Copying on a Test

Looking at another unsuspecting student's exam and copying; copying in a complicit manner with another student; exchanging color-coded exams for the purpose of copying; passing answers via notes; discussing answers in exam, etc.


The fabrication of information and citations; submitting others' work from professional journals, 书籍、文章、纸张, and the Internet; submission of other students' papers or lab results or project reports and representing the work as one's own; fabricating in part or total, 提交和引用错误, etc.


Facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others; unauthorized collaboration of work; permitting another to copy from one's exam; writing a paper for another; inappropriately collaborating on a home assignment or exam without permission or when prohibited, etc.


Of examinations, through purchase or supply; stealing exams; failing to return exams on file; selling exams; photocopying exams; buying exams; any possession of an exam without the custodian's permission, etc.


Submitting a paper, case study, 实验报告或任何作业已提交学分在先前的课程或并行课程未经讲师的知识和许可.


更改自己或其他学生的工作成果,如实验室结果, papers, or test answers; tampering with work either as a prank or to sabotage another's work.


Taking a quiz, an exam, performing a laboratory exercise or similar evaluation in place of another; having another take a quiz, an exam, 或者代替自己做一个练习或类似的评估, etc.

Altering Exams

Changing incorrect answers on graded exams or other forms of evaluation when they are passed back to students for in-class review; changing the letter and/or numerical grade on a test, etc.



被发现违反上述任何一项规定的学生将受到从书面警告到不修课程的制裁. In extreme cases, 或者在之前违规的情况下, 学生可能会受到正式的大学纪律处分.
